FREE DOWNLOAD: 'HELP! I'm Starting a Men's Group!'
Resources to make sure you are a good - not "nice" - man.
Coming soon on the Men in the Arena YouTube channel.
Calling all WILD MEN! This world wants to break men like you, but God has different plans
The good man is not always a "nice" man. Recorded after Jim Ramos finished writing Dialed In (working title The Full Capacity Man).
Why being a “nice guy” is disastrous to everyone involved. Paul shows how the abundant life that God has for us is found through a more assertive orientation toward life.
The world needs real men, real bad. And there are all sorts of conflicting ideas and messages about what a "real man" is (and is not).
There are ignorant voices in the world calling masculinity toxic. True masculinity is a blessing to the world, and there are some loads that God designed only men to carry.
In this 30-min message given by Jim Ramos at a local gathering of Christian men, Jim discusses 3 types of Christian men.
What a Serpent Crusher looks like, areas where men tend to be crushed in life, and how you can get out of the shape you've been crushed into and into the manly, masculine shape for which you were created.
There are four seasons to a man's life, and how well he handles each will determine how he experiences the next season. Which are you in?