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These resources will help you increase in your level of servanthood.
Christian man, are you a servant like Jesus? The man of God’s role as a servant to the ones he loves (and the ones he doesn’t).
Learn 12 steps to win and keep your wife's heart in one of our all-time best podcasts.
Learn 10 practical things you can do to turn your marriage around.
Jim Ramos opens up his Sex Box, teaching you the lies our culture tells us about sex and what married sex is supposed to look like.
Learn the difference between love and acceptance in marriage to change your marriage now.
Recorded when Jim had just completed writing Dialed In (working title The Full Capacity Man).
Learn what 'Fathering the Fatherless' looks like for the Christian man.
Did you know that the Bible talks about your wife's "big O"? It does! What does a Christian man look like in the bedroom?
Do you feel unseen in your daily life? Do you question where God has you and how he’s using you? You may be in your season of obscurity.
Learn the story of the "the 10-Cow Wife" and what it means for you.
The "waffle" and "spaghetti" metaphor will overhaul your marriage communication.
5 tips for increasing your chances of sexual intimacy.