Arena Men,
Martin Luther King Jr. once said something that should be every man’s marching order: “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”
We recently interviewed Alan Smyth on the Men in the Arena Podcast. Alan serves as the Executive Director for Saving Innocence, an anti-human trafficking organization focused on the recovery and restoration of an estimated 300,000 child victims of sex trafficking nationwide.
His in-your-face interview was a wake-up call for men. It inspired several thoughts every man should teach his children about honoring women. [For more like this, download our free fathering weapon, Tell Them: What Great Fathers Tell Their Sons and Daughters including 200 “tell them’’ statements, Bible verses, and meditative images to help dads become their best version.]
We live in a society that objectifies women.
Here are five things a man should do to honor—and teach his children how to honor —women:
- Face Doors, Walk Curbside, and Sleep Near Entryways
First, honor, serve and protect women as a lifestyle. Develop the habit of posturing yourself to protect the women in your life. We do this not because we think women are weaker. On the contrary, we do it to honor and elevate their status in our lives.
Face the door when dining to see potential threats. Walk on the curb (street) side to keep watch for oncoming danger. Sleep nearest the hallway to guard against late-night intruders. Teach them why you do it. Build a habit of honoring your wife and daughters. Teach your sons the same.
Jesus set a beautiful example of this moments before his death on the cross. Dying, Jesus made sure his mother was cared for! Wow!
- A Male Problem. A Man Solution.
Human trafficking is primarily a male-driven crime. Both the buyers and sellers are predominantly men. How did we get to a place where this is even possible? Simply put, millions of young boys are growing up without a father in a society that largely does not honor women.
Men need to find opportunities to mentor younger boys and men, whether that is Sunday School, the athletic field, or at work. Find a younger guy and take him on as your protégé. Be part of the solution.
- Do Something. Anything. Just Lead.
I recently rocked a group of men to the core by saying, “You’re either a missionary or a mission field.” Every man is a minister. When a man gets it—everyone wins. He moves out of the anonymous bleachers and into the arena. He becomes a servant in his church, community, and home. He leads by his actions.
- Make a Covenant with Your Eyes
This morning Shanna woke up furious at me for flirting with a woman over dinner. She walked into a restaurant just as I reached over and grab some food off the “other woman’s” plate. She watched in horror as we joked and laughed over a meal. Her horror turned to rage as her screaming (at me) woke me out of a slumber. It was a dream.
Job 31:1 says, “I have made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a young woman.”
Men, we can take immediate action by protecting all smart devices in our homes from pornography. Men in the Arena is a Covenant Eyes affiliate. Sign up now. Sign up here.
Start by honoring women with your smart devices.
- Be the Man and Father She Measures Every Man Against
In our interview, Alan Smyth made it clear that there is a profile of women who are more apt to get trafficked—they have a weak or absent father. Without the consistent influence of a strong father or father figure providing the proper perspective on media and keeping a watchful eye on harmful messaging, there is a destructive storm on the horizon.
Smyth writes, “A child who never had an involved father and is moved between foster homes for most of his or her youth will be more likely to follow an older stranger who tells them he loves them and will take care of them. Traffickers exploit the desire of a child to be loved, to belong, and to be accepted.”
Dads. You play a powerful role in the life of your daughter. Live larger than life. Live right. Love well. Be the man and father she measures every man against.
Treat Women Better by Treating Yourself Right
- Invest in others out of the overflow of your life. Everything depends on it.
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- Grow closer to your best version by listening to Spotify’s #1 ranked podcast for Christian men—the Men in the Arena Podcast.
- Grab your copy of my new book, Guts, and Manhood: The Four Irrefutable Attributes of Courage.
Honoring Women,