February Champion Newsletter

Dear Champions,
Last month we experienced explosive growth on our social media platforms averaging approximately 500 new followers a week on Instagram and are at over 16,900 followers. We have high levels of engagement and a flood of hero stories pouring in from around the world. Here is a Christmas favorite sent from Zach in Ohio.
“Thank you for the inspiration of your podcast to dive deeper into the meaning of Christmas. Not only did I read Luke 2 with my wife but started the morning with my 20-month-old girl placing baby Jesus in the manger and hugging him before placing him in the manger after we read the birth of Jesus in her children’s Bible. This year we hosted my family for Christmas dinner, and I read Luke 2 before opening presents. Thank you again for the inspiration to start new traditions.”
I am also excited to say that our podcast averages 35,000 downloads a month (our 2018 total) and is now ranked the #1 podcast for Christian men on Spotify!
Following a friend’s advice, in January I committed to doing 65,000 push-ups in 2022, casually threw it out to our online community, and now have almost 400 men committed. Our goal is 15 million total push-ups in 2022, representing the number of people—including men and their families—we want to reach in the next ten years.
When a man gets it—everyone wins.
Tenth Anniversary Party. Did you know this June will mark Men in the Arena’s Tenth Anniversary? What a wild ride! Please join us on April 9th for the Tenth Anniversary Celebration Banquet of Men in the Arena in McMinnville (700 N. Hill Rd). We are looking for live and silent auction items (vacation home, trip, craft, etc.). Reserve your limited seat for $65 per person or sponsor an entire table for $500.
During these recent difficult times (2 Timothy 3:1) we have seen God lavish His favor upon this ministry thanks to your faithfulness in giving, serving, and prayer. We are so blessed to have such an amazing team supporting this great cause. This is a time of celebrating God and what He is doing.
Partnering with you,