May Newsletter - Ministry Updates

May 3, 2021
Dear Friends,
Hero Stories continue to pour in from our website and social media platforms. A Hero Story is when a man finally gets passionate about becoming his best version in Christ and changing his world. We love hearing stories like the one from Josh in Twin Falls, Idaho. He wrote,
“I am 41 years old. I am a husband to my beautiful wife Tiffany and a father of a blended family. I’ve been praying for a group of Christian men to do life with, but not the kind of men who coddle but push, sharpen and say the hard things. I’ve found that in my Men in the Arena online group. I have been challenged through the books and podcasts to be a better man. I have been growing forward with the Lord and as a father and husband. For that I say, Thank you!”
Keep ‘em coming in guys. Wives, we want to hear from you as well. What answers to prayer are you seeing in your man?
In last month’s newsletter I wrote, “Pray for our Tenth Anniversary Celebration banquet. It is going to be a celebration of how God took 15 men in a coffee shop to thousands upon thousands of men across 126 nations! Pray for our financial goal of $75,000, which would be the most raised to date.”
The highest recorded gross earnings from any banquet occurred last year at more than $42,000, so the goal of $75,000 was a stretch, but our phenomenal champions pulled through again and we raised $105,000 in gross earnings!
Mike Goins was this year’s well-deserved Men in the Arena Man of the Year. At 75, Mike still rides his road bike hundreds of miles each year, is passionate about snow skiing (and just taught his granddaughters), serves vigorously as our Board Chair, oversees our annual budget, and leads two men’s studies. He is one of my heroes. It was fun to present him with a set of antique snow skis that we had laser printed with “Men in the Arena Man of the Year.”
We are so blessed by our outstanding volunteer team and all their efforts to make this banquet such a massive success: Beth Yoder (coordinator), Heather Collver (registration), Sammie Farmer (online app), Danelle Myrick (dessert auction), Biz Cable (silent auction), and Kelly Sitton (silent auction).
Thank you to all who have prayed, given, and served over the past ten years! You are changing lives.
Celebrating Ten Years of God’s Faithfulness,