What's Your Hero Story? Why Your Story Matters – Men in the Arena

What's Your Hero Story? Why Your Story Matters



Have you made recent changes in your life that are so significant your loved ones are noticing? Has God used the ministries of Men in the Arena to rock your world? We believe when a man gets it—everyone wins. Yes! We believe your story matters.

Your Story Matters to God, Us, and the Men in the Arena

Celebrate with us by joining us in the “365 Hero Stories in 365 Days” campaign. Last year, close to a hundred men and women wrote to us from around the world celebrating their transformation, or the transformation of someone they love. I am convinced that we left hundreds and thousands of Hero Stories (personal stories of transformation) on the table.

Not this year.

A Hero Story for Every Day in 2023

Our ministry exists to hear your story of transformation. Yes, it matters! Like 2023 Hero Story #14 from an unknown Arena man, “Thanks Jim. I honestly feel you saved me. Thanks for the strength.

Critical Success Factors

As an organization, one of our three Critical Success Factors (aka Strategic Objectives) is for men to “experience life change and become better men, husbands, fathers, and leaders.”

Thus, heroes in the story that God has divinely placed them. Heroes to their wives, children, churches, and communities.

Hero stories like #15 from an Arena man in England who wrote, “Just a quick message from a seaside town in England. Thank you so much for all the Lord is doing through MITA. I have been binge-listening to the huge backlog of podcasts, which have been so helpful. God is beginning to get us men together from all regions in England for accountability and moving forward for the gospel. Your podcast has helped me start reclaiming new territory for Jesus in my marriage, bible study, and friendships.

Where Do I Send My Hero Story?

Simply write a short 2-5 sentence description of how God has used this ministry to impact your life, marriage, and those you love. The easiest way to do that is simply HIT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL. Your email will go to us at info@meninthearena.org. You can also message us on any of our social media platforms.

When you do, you are giving us permission to share your story (without revealing more than your first name and location) with podcast listeners, our Board of Directors, and our ministry leaders.

If we use yours on the podcast, we will send you some MITA swag to say, “Thanks!”

Let’s get to 365 Hero Stories in the 365 days of 2023!

A Hero for Jesus,

Jim Ramos