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These resources will help you become a devout man of God!
Coming soon on the Men in the Arena YouTube channel.
In this email devotional, Pastor Jim Ramos will send you a daily email that includes the verse, a quick devotional based on the verse, and reflection/action questions.
A devout man has certain characteristics that set him apart from other men who call themselves “Christians." Recorded after Jim Ramos finished writing Dialed In (working title The Full Capacity Man).
Have you been hurt at church? One of the biggest barriers to men going to church is the people IN the church!
Jim answers: "How do you pick a church? I want to know how Jim Ramos would pick a random town in a random state, move there, and pick a church. What are the things you look for that are reasons to stay, reasons to leave?"
You know you SHOULD pray, but do you have trouble blocking out consistent time for prayer? 5 time-tested, simple ways for you to become a man of prayer.
Ever worry that maybe the internal voice you're hearing in prayer is not God's voice at all, but rather your own desires? How to know when it's God.
If we want to know how to effectively pray, we should go straight to the Pro, right? Jesus did more than give us The Lord's Prayer, he also spoke and modeled four ways to pray that made His prayers more effective.
Did you know that prayer is NOT talking to God? We tend to think that prayer is just an inner monologue directed at the Almighty, but that couldn't be further from the truth.
Are you a Christ FOLLOWER? You sure 'bout that? Jim walks you through the time Jesus was approached by three different fans, what He told them they needed to do to become true followers, and how you can become more than a fan of Jesus.
Calling all WILD MEN! This world wants to break men like you, but God has different plans.
You work hard, but are you working the right way? Will you be done working when you're retired? What place should work have in the life of a Christian man?