All Resources for
Becoming Your Best Version
Here are Men in the Arena's top resources to help you become the best version of you.
Our Top 10 Men in the Arena Podcast Episodes for Protecting Integrity

The 3 Core Purposes of the Man Who is Wild at Heart
w/ John Eldredge
In one of our early episodes, John Eldredge joined Men in the Arena to discuss his book Wild at Heart. Every man lives to have an adventure to live, Beauty to rescue and a battle to fight.

Marriage After Infidelity
w/ Dr. Earl Wilson
What does repentance look like in the face of sexual sin? Dr. Earl Wilson joined us to describe his own process of sexual sin, recovery, and spiritual healing. This podcast provides a message of hope and a path forward for your marriage even in the face of infidelity.

Realizing Your Power as a Man
w/ Rick Johnson
A man's words have power. Bestselling author Rick Johnson joined us for this episode to explore why it is so important that men use their powerful words to build others up. A man is made for greatness. Are your words living up to your potential?

Men, Rebel Against the Rules
w/ Bill Perkins
What if by breaking six specific rules, you could throw off the shackles of other people’s expectations and pursue a more authentic and liberating faith? Author Bill Perkins joined us to challenge men to follow Jesus’ example: refuse to be handcuffed by rules that aren’t God-given.

What Can Make Your Life and Marriage More Fulfilling?
w/ Tom Wilson
In this episode, Tom Wilson joined us to discuss fulfillment, and the unique cultural challenges men face in life, work, and ministry.

Character Counts: Who's Counting Yours?
w/ Rod Handley
How do you protect your character and integrity? Author Rod Handley joined us to discuss character (doing right), integrity (being whole through Christ) and accountability (honestly reporting to one another), and how men can fit these concepts into our daily lives.

Are You a Man of Influence?
w/ Bill Hendricks
Men have a way of rubbing off on one another—for better or worse. Author Bill Hendricks joined us to discuss how men can be intentional about our influence. Become the man God made you to be, while learning to change other men’s lives for the better.

Accountability with Action!
w/ Matt Loehr
Matt Loehr talks about accountability with action. Most accountability relationships include confession but do not require action. Are you asking the tough questions, and are you willing to be called out? Are you meeting each week with a purpose?

No More Excuses, Be a Man!
w/ Joe Martin
Joe Martin from the Real Men Connect podcast joined us to discuss how men are created (by God) to be the head, master, and leader of the home. We are designed to lead our family. It’s not an option; so we might as well accept it. We’re going to lead our family effectively or we’re going lead them poorly; but either way, we ARE going to lead.

Have You Made a Covenant with Your Eyes?
w/ Sam Black
Sam Black, the VP of Covenant Eyes, joined us to share some statistics that include kids and ages that struggle and have been exposed to porn during this pandemic. You may think this doesn't affect you, but you may be surprised.
Our Top 10 Men in the Arena Podcast Episodes for Fighting Apathy

Overcoming Adversity to Find Victory
w/ Allen Schwartz
We can all make excuses. But this episode reminds us that we don’t have to let our circumstances stop us from going forward. Allen Schwartz is a 6x starter and finisher of the Leadville Trail 100 MTN Bike Race. His story will challenge you!

Winning the Digital Cocaine Battle
w/ Brad Huddleston
If you are a dad you need to listen to this episode! Your kids probably already have an addiction to something and you may not even realize it! This episode will change how you lead your family's technology use.

No More Christian Nice Guy
w/ Paul Coughlin
Paul Coughlin explains in this episode why being a “nice guy” is disastrous to everyone involved. Instead, Paul shows how the abundant life that God has for us is found through a more assertive orientation toward life.

Dad, Just say, "Sure."
w/ Todd Wilson
In this episode, Todd Wilson, founder of Familyman Ministries, reminded us about what’s most important in life. When your kids ask you to do something, just say "sure!"

How to Love Your Wife Well
w/ Paul Friesen
The best-known passage on marriage in the Bible instructs us as husbands to “love your wives, as Christ loved the church...” Now that’s a bar we can barely see, let alone reach! So what do we do?

Keeping Your Wife Your Best Friend
w/ Dr. Clarence Schuler
Dr. Clarence Schuler, a marriage expert for Oprah’s “Love Goals” reality show in 2020 and author of 10 books, spoke to us about how to keep your wife your best friend.

Tactical Relationship Training - How to Deal with Different and Difficult People
w/ Elmo Winters
Elmo Winters founded the KINGDOM Group International, an organization dedicated to racial healing, unity and reconciliation utilizing the life changing Gospel of Christ. In this podcast, Elmo discussed the Christian response to the issues facing our culture.

Manly Man Vs. Weak Wimp
w/ Stephen Mansfield
Are you a manly man or a wimp? No one wants to be known as a wimp, but so few know what a 'manly' man looks like. What maxims should a man live by? New York Times best selling author Stephen Mansfield joined us to dive into his list of manly maxims.

How to Achieve Your Goals
w/ Paul Cole
Paul Cole joins Men in the Arena to discuss the age old questions: Am I living life at my full capacity? What is the larger purpose of my life? How do I build a life that counts?

Dangerous Good
w/ Kenny Luck
Kenny Luck throws down the gauntlet to a generation of men who have become comfortable with a culturally safe Christian faith.
Our Top 9 Men in the Arena Podcast Episodes for Pursuing God Passionately

The Chosen: The Most Important Thing To Lead Well
w/ Justin Overlander
Justen Overlande, the associate producer of The Chosen, joined us to speak about this powerful project. The Chosen is the first-ever multi-season show about Jesus and His followers. The global success of The Chosen has allowed Justen to reach and remind people that Jesus meets you where you’re at.

Moving Away from Performance-Based Religion
w/ Wayne Jacobsen
Are you stuck in thinking 'do good, get good, do bad, get bad?' Wayne Jacobsen, co-author of The Shack, unpacks his book, He Loves Me with Jim Ramos. Wayne helps men look at their relationship with Jesus completely differently.

A Great Resource for You and Your Wife
w/ Bill Perkins
Bill Perkins joined us to discuss the book that Jim reads to and with his wife daily. The Jesus Story blends all four Gospel accounts into a single harmonious narrative while capturing the essence of each writer.

Fatherly Words of Wisdom from a Fatherless Man
w/ Kenneth Joyner
Author Kenneth Joyner, the subject of the viral "Gentleman's Club" photo, walked us through his twenty core principles of being a father figure. They aren't necessarily about being the biological father (although they can be), but they’re about playing the role of a father figure in the life of a young man who needs you, and how to overcome if your own father wasn't present.

Wild Awakening: How a Raging Grizzly Healed My Wounded Heart
w/ Greg Matthews
Greg Matthews joined us to describe the near-fatal grizzly attack that lead him to an unexpected encounter with God and changed his understanding of what it is to be a man.

What is a Better Man?
w/ Robert Lewis
"Without a vision men turn toxic!" Robert Lewis, the founder of BetterMen, joined us to describe a new way for men, especially younger men, to get their hands around God’s timeless design for authentic manhood.

Becoming a True Warrior
w/ Michael Thompson
What if you could live with Nothing to Hide, Nothing to Prove, and Nothing to Fear? Michael Thompson joined us to discuss the foundation of masculinity: Sonship.

Every Man Worships Something
w/ Stephen Mansfield
Do you, like many men, go to church but struggle with the "worship?" Jeff Deyo joined us to challenge men to look at "worship" differently.

Adventurous Living with Reckless Abandon
w/ Seth Barnes
Seth Barnes, the founder of Adventures in Missions and the World Race joined us to talk about adventure. Being on this planet is not about just surviving, it's about thriving. Life is an adventure that is meant to be lived above mediocrity.
Our Top 10 Men in the Arena Podcast Episodes for Leading Courageously

Your Best Marriage Starts Now!
w/ Drs. Paul and Virginia Friesen
In this very unique episode, Jim's wife Shanna joins him on the podcast as Drs. Paul and Virginia Friesen walk them through the activities from their book, The Marriage App.

What Radical Husbands Do
w/ Regi Campbell
Regi Campbell joins us to discuss one of the best marriage books out there. Marriage isn't a game of chance. Are you willing to put your chips on the table and go 'all in' to win and keep your wife's heart?

Simple Steps to Disarm Your Angry Wife
w/ Emerson Eggerichs
Emerson Eggrichs, author of the bestseller Love & Respect, joined us to provide a recipe to disarm our angry wife. What phrase can you say to disarm your angry wife? As men, we have tried many times and failed miserably. Here are the tools you need to respectfully stop the crazy cycle.

Living with Passion
w/ Wess Stafford
Life is too short to live it without purpose. Wess Stafford, an author and the former president of Compassion International, has an amazing story and a challenging message. This episode will encourage you to turn your good, loving intentions into strategic actions and empower you to help change the world.

Tips to becoming a Daughter Whisperer from the Dad Whisperer
w/ Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield
Do you long for a better relationship with your daughter? Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield joined us to discuss the transforming power of a dad's love and attention to his daughter's life, with practical tips for how to connect with our daughters.

What Your Woman Needs
w/ Dr. Willard Harley, Jr.
Young men are often clueless about what a woman really needs. Many are shell-shocked to discover that everything they think they know about women changes the day AFTER they get married! Even worse is when a man discovers this 25 years later-when his wife leaves him right after the children leave the home. Don’t be that man. Dr. Bill Harley joined us to teach the top needs of your wife. Let's make your marriage its best version.

Living the Best Version of Your Marriage
w/ Don Minter
If you were to rank your marriage 1-10 what would it be? What would your wife say it is? Like most of us, you probably need to do some work. Building and sustaining the best version of your marriage is possible. In this episode, Don Minter gave us tools to achieve a better version of our marriage.

Learning Your Wife's Love Language
w/ Gary Chapman
Marriage should be based on love, right? But does it seem as though you and your spouse are speaking two different languages? In this episode, bestselling author Gary Chapman joined us to discuss his pivotal work, along with his new book specifically for young men.

Perception vs Reality in Changing Your Marriage
w/ Dr. Jason Karampatsos
All too many married couples strive to find their “happily ever after” and instead are left struggling just to survive marriage because they are unaware of how their incomplete and inaccurate perspectives form faulty perceptions that they hold to more tightly than truth and reality. Dr. Jason Karampatsos joined us to discuss becoming ambitiously curious about our wives.

Want a Better Sex Life in Your Marriage?
w/ Bill and Pam Farrel
Many call sex the glue that bonds a marriage together. What does your sex life say about your marriage? How often are you and your wife having sex? Bill and Pam Farrel talked to us about how to improve things in the bedroom.
Our Top 10 Men in the Arena Podcast Episodes for Finishing Strong

Helping Your Blended Family Thrive
w/ Ron Deal
Step fathering takes wisdom and tact. It’s like putting the right pieces in the proper places on a puzzle board. Ron Deal joined us to help us figure out the stepdad's role. "Being successful as the new stepdad depends heavily on finding your fit, identifying your responsibilities and objectives, and buddying up with your allies.”

Never Surrender
w/ LT General Jerry Boykin
LT General Jerry Boykin spent his life with America's elite forces, bringing down warlords and war criminals, despots, and dictators. Boykin joined us to tell his powerful story of military duty and faith, and why God isn't done with you yet.

The 20 Attributes of a Godly Man. How Do You Measure Up?
w/ Gene Getz
Gene Getz spoke with us about the 20 attributes of a man. We have to ask ourselves, how do we measure up? There are thousands of books published every year. However, very few stay in print—especially for years! “The Measure of a Man” is one of those exceptions. It has never gone out of print for over 40 years!

The Man Bible is Here
w/ Gene Getz
Bestselling author and pastor Gene Getz joined us again to discuss the Life Essentials Study Bible, the first multi-media study bible of its kind.

Navigating the Dark Times of Life
w/ Jack Deere
Jack Deere joined us to talk about his own devastating hurts, and how you can overcome life’s disappointments and learn to hear God speak in unbelievable ways.

Longevity in Life
w/ Bud Lindstrand
Checking out and retiring from your life and your purpose is not an option for the Christian man. Bud Lindstrand, the former CEO of Moda Health Plans, joined us to discuss living each day to the fullest, giving back to others, and making the world a better place.

The Christian Man
w/ Patrick Morley
Patrick Morley, bestselling author of The Man in the Mirror, joined us to speak about the common pain points in a man's life. Identity, work, life balance, marriage...he discussed how to intentionally release the power of God on the issues that matter to you most.

Your Bad Father is No Excuse for Your Poor Fathering
w/ Jim Whitmore
Jim Whitmore shares about his "unique" relationship with his father and how he was still able to honor him. His father was married 15 times, and walked out of Death Row in the State Texas! His story should challenge all men in the area of honoring our parents.

How to Deal with a Crisis?
w/ Clair Hoover
In this episode we interview Clair Hoover with NCMM, National Coalition of Ministries to Men. Clair shares about that gut shot that every man gets. Are you ready for the gut shot when it comes? Because it will come.

One Thing You Can Do to Be the Best Version of You
w/ Brett Clemmer
Brett Clemmer, President of Man in the Mirror, joined us to talk about one thing you can do today to become your best version.
Our Books to Help You Become Your Best Version

Join the Virtual Team Waiting List
The best way to become your best version is to lock arms with a group of men that are on the path with you. We are launching our new virtual team program this fall, and we want you to be part of it! Five virtual teams of 20 men will begin this fall cycle, five more during the winter cycle, and five more in the spring— 300 men maximum. The only cost involved is the price of the workbook. Sign up today to reserve your spot on the Wait List!