The Jesus Story: A Blending of Four Gospels

The Jesus Story: A Blending of Four Gospels

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This blending of the four gospels is what Jim reads to Shanna every morning while they get ready. You’ll be amazed at how different the Bible seems when you’re reading one continuous story, no verse numbers!

Compiled by Bill Perkins from the original Four Gospels by J.M. Cheney and S. Ellisen, THD.

This "Gospel" takes you through chapters tilted 'Preparation for Ministry', the 'First, Second, Third, and Fourth Years of Ministry', the 'Last Week of Ministry', and finally the 'Crucifixion, Resurrection, and Ascension' of Jesus. Chapter titles also include the time period, ex. 'Preparation for Ministry' - 'Sept 6, BC - April AD 29'.

This blending of the four gospels into a single narrative will give you a new perspective on the life and ministry of Jesus.