Breaking the Porn Cycle: The 7 Pillars of Freedom from Sexual Sin w/ Nick Stumbo

You aren’t as bad as some guys, right? There are “sex addicts” out there that are using porn 7 or 8 times a day. Your habit is nowhere near that bad - once a week, once a month, a few times a year. However, even “hobbyist,” occasional sin is enough to destroy a marriage and stop you from achieving your best version.
This week we interviewed Nick Stumbo, a pastor who was trapped in a cycle of slipping up, repentance, and confession. Rinse-repeat. His marriage was on the brink of separation and divorce, yet he was still convinced that his occasional porn use wasn’t at the level of addiction.
These three questions helped him break out of his denial:
Do YOU have the guts to ask yourself these three questions?
How long has porn been a problem in your life?
How many times have you tried to quit?
Is it causing pain in your life or the lives of those you love?
If your answer is that it’s been a problem for multiple years, that you’ve tried to quit over and over (every time is the “last time”), and it’s causing pain in your life and division in your marriage, that’s the clinical definition of addiction.
It’s not about frequency. It’s not even about the word “addict” - call it “compulsive behavior” if you want. If you have a compulsive behavior in your life that has been in your life for years, you can’t seem to stop it, and it’s damaging your life and relationships, it’s time to make a change.
Sin never remains static, it always leads you down a path towards death. It’s the enemy’s goal to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). Stop this sin in its tracks now, or it will lead you down a path you don’t want to go, destroying your life and marriage in the process.
Here is our resource page to help you get free from porn. It’s the most-visited page on our website.
Check out Nick’s book for a detailed explanation of the 7 keys to sexual freedom
(using the link on our website supports our ministry).
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