Keeping Your Wife Your Best Friend By Clarence Shuler

Pg. 28 “Throughout this book I will speak about “The Big Picture.” This term implies that marriage is designed to last forever, so I will share all I can to help you make your marriage the second-best experience of your life (I’ll explain later) and for this marriage, if it’s your second or more, to be your last.”
Pg. 29 “We need to treat our ladies the way we are treated when we fly first class.”
Pg. 45 “We should keep short accounts, not letting disagreements go unresolved more than a day or two. As a couple, we certainly need to discuss with our spouse when we feel that we have been wronged., This principle doesn’t eliminate accountability or responsibility.”
Pg. 47 “Resolving conflict may require that one individual in the couple make a personal sacrifice for the good of the couple, the couple has to ask, ‘What is best for us as a couple?’ This answer should be the guiding factor for the couple.”
Pg. 100 “How do we reopen the spirit of our beloved spouse? Here are some steps to take in order to reopen a closed spirit. Become soft and tender with the person. Understand, as much as possible, what the other person is going through. Remember, listen to what is being said, but not react to the words used. Try to hear the essence of what was said. We need to eliminate these hot buttons from our vocabulary if we are to hear and understand our spouse, especially when they are wounded and especially if we have caused the wound. Recognize that the other person is hurting and acknowledge any wrong you may have in provoking the anger. If possible, touch the other person gently in a non-sexual way (sometimes they need space). Seek forgiveness and wait for a response.”
Pg. 232 “The last seven years of my marriage. I have been practicing seven principles that are revolutionizing my marriage. Revolutionizing is the correct word because it’s a process as most marriages will always be in progress. The seventh practice is only about three years old.”
Pg. 233 “Hence, my first practice is encouraging Christian couple to read and apply the truths of the bible together
Pg. 234 “Practice number two to revolutionize a relationship is praying with your spouse “From the book Couples Who Pray: “Virtually every one of the categories measuring marital bliss escalated significantly when couples simply prayed together a lot versus prayed together sometimes. In some cases, the swing was 15 to 30 %. A national research study (1980) cited in Retrouvaille’s international Handbook established that married couples who attend church together weekly and read the bible or pray together daily have a divorce rate of approximately 1 divorce in every 1,105 marriages.
Pg. 235 “Most recent research from Dr. Phil’s book, Relationship Rescue says that praying lowers a couples’ divorce chances to one out of ten thousand.
Pg. 235 “Be a pleasure to be married to.”
Pg. 237 “Develop a consistently adjusting attitude.”
Pg. 239 Practice number five, which was birthed from developing an attitude adjustment has been to simply say to myself when she asks me to do something, especially something I don’t want to do “I love my wife.”
Pg. 240 “Practice number 6 is definitely one I enjoy. Being sexually sensitive to your wife.”
Pg. 240 “Practice seven requires becoming a student and a servant of your spouse. Understanding that your spouse may have been unintentionally or intentionally wounded by their parents or by people in authority as a child.”