Equipping Blog Posts – Tagged "Step-Parenting"– Men in the Arena

Equipping Blog Posts

  • Learn Your DAD TYPE: Which of 8 Types of Dad Are You?

    The Dad Type Quiz is live! What type of Dad are you? We've discovered there are 8 basic types of dad, with their own strengths, issues, and challe...
  • What Great Fathers Tell Their Sons and Daughters

    When researching a free resource to offer to men living in the Stress Bubble of life (aka The Arena), I came across this gem in the depths of my computer files. Misty-eyed I gently read over each of the “Tell him” statements I used as a personal guide in raising my wonderful sons: James, Darby, and Colton. Although I have edited the book to include sons and daughters, my experience is with my three sons who are now fine men—believe in Jesus, earned bachelor’s degrees, have great careers, and love people.
  • DAD WISDOM: PART II, Words of Wisdom for Fathers

    As a follower of Jesus, pop culture and social norms fall victim to truth. They must. The non-conformist Apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 1:25, Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.” 

    And again in 1 Corinthians 2:4-6, “My message and my preaching were (a) demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that your faith would not rest on the wisdom of men, but on the power of God. Yet we do speak wisdom among those who are mature; a wisdom, however, not of this age nor of the rulers of this age, who are passing away.

    Our guest Kenny Joyner shared #11-21 of his timeless Words of Wisdom for fathers...

  • THE DAUGHTER WHISPERER: A Relationship-Changing Acrostic for Dads of Daughters

     It is critical that our daughters are secure in our love for them. In us, they must find a safe harbor to share their feelings, thoughts and worries. Michelle writes, “You see, a settledness takes hold in the depths of a woman’s being when she knows she doesn’t have to shout above all the noise just to be heard. And a power takes root in her when she fully believes that she matters because what she thinks and feels matters...
  • 5 Wise Tips for the Smart Stepdad - How to Become a Better Stepdad

    In the United States 50% of children will have a stepparent at some point in their lifetime, and 90% of children in step-families live with their mom and stepdad. Forty percent of children from divorce will not see their dad for an entire year, which places an added burden on stepdads.
              Stepchildren who have good relationships with both their stepfather and their nonresident biological father have better outcomes than children who have good relationships with just their father...