Equipping Blog Posts
Parenting Through a Crisis w/ Jay Holland
When a BOMB drops on your life, how do you parent through it? Death of a spouse, cancer diagnosis, divorce papers, mental illness - none of us g... -
Her Body, Our Choice: Abortion's Devastating Impact on Men, and What YOU Can Do About It
Are you a man whose partner had an abortion and you're struggling to heal? Are you on the fence about whether life begins at conception? Or do y... -
How to Outlive Your Life on Purpose
It’s never too late to think about your legacy. I’ve been working towards that end for 30 years with my journaling, personal vision statement, and eulogy. Yes, I wrote my dream eulogy.
I firmly believe that whatever you put to the grindstone will be remembered on your tombstone. I’ve never heard a dying man say he wish he’d spent more time at the office. Think about those who will be crying at your death bed and answer three legacy questions that Rex uses to challenge men:
One Simple Habit to Make Your Mark An Exclamation Not A Question Mark
There are finishes and there are strong finishes. They are not the same. Sometimes a finish is a wrong finish. A divorce is a wrong finish. A suicide is a wrong finish. Getting fired from your job for reasons you could have avoided is a wrong finish. To live selfishly in retirement, refusing to impact others with your experiences, wisdom, and expertise is a wrong finish. It may be the most tragic finish of them all. -
Will Grief Ever Go Away? - Death, Loss, and Divorce Insights from an Average Joe
As a pastor for decades, I have horror stories of things people say to those suffering grief. A high school gal in my youth group was grieving the suicide of her Christian mother when a woman from church approached her at the funeral and said...