Equipping Blog Posts
Unseen and Unappreciated: Breaking Out of Your Season of Obscurity w/ Jeremy Wade
Do you feel unseen in your daily life? Do you question where God has you and how he’s using you? You may be in your season of obscurity. You’re i... -
A 3-Step Plan to Achieve Your Goals w/ Jon Acuff
Men, you've undoubtedly felt that spark of potential within you, the sense that there's more you can achieve. But how do you turn that potentia... -
Goal-Setting 101
Another Year, Another New Year’s Resolution Do you get annoyed every time someone talks about their New Year’s Resolution? Do you need to make a... -
Using Your 3 Masculine Strengths to Change Your World
Elliott Hulse is a strongman competitor with nearly 2.4 million social media followers. His goal is simple—make men strong in three specific are... -
Path of Excellence by Kai Munshi
Three Steps to Find Your Path of Excellence The 26th President of the United States once said, “I am only an average man but, by George, I work h... -
Break Out of Your Rut: 5 Questions to Reclaim Your Passion for Life
1. Are You Stuck in a Career You Hate? Last week I had the privilege to interview Nicky Billou on Spotify’s #1 Podcast for Christian Men, the Men... -
The Lost Art of Generalism: Becoming a Balanced Man in a Lopsided World
Arena Men, Generalist. Huh? It was a pleasure to interview Morgan Snyder on the Men in the Arena Podcast. Morgan works on the executive leadersh... -
5 Skills Cavemen (and Christian Men) Need to Survive
Arena Men, I have been hooked on Alone: Season Seven ever since our interview with Joel Van de Loon. Participants attempted to survive for 100 day... -
How to Reach Your Goals for 2022
Last week on the Men in the Arena Podcast, we interviewed my friend and fellow NCMM Board Member, Rod Handley. Not only is Rod the president of Character that Counts but is a Stage Four cancer survivor. Three years ago, while undergoing surgery to remove gall stones, surgeons discovered a rare form of cancer nicknamed, “Dead Man Walking Cancer” because, by the time it manifests symptoms, patients live about one day before dying.
Understanding Success in God’s Eyes
Jesus was homeless. That’s right. The ultimate anathema in America! He had no place to put his Christmas tree! In Luke 9:58 he matter-of-factly admitted it, “The foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.”
We should rethink our definition of success!
A Living Legend’s Five-Step Formula for Winning in Life
For the past two decades I have lived in McMinnville, Oregon, the home of college football’s longest winning streak (all divisions) at 65 years, by Linfield University! It was an honor to have living legend Ad Rutchsman on the Men in the Arena Podcast. On it we discussed the book about his life, Winning with Class: The Story of Hall of Fame Coach Ad Rutchsman, his 24-year contribution to the streak as Linfield’s head coach, and impact on a myriad of others through the young men he coached. -
How to Outlive Your Life on Purpose
It’s never too late to think about your legacy. I’ve been working towards that end for 30 years with my journaling, personal vision statement, and eulogy. Yes, I wrote my dream eulogy.
I firmly believe that whatever you put to the grindstone will be remembered on your tombstone. I’ve never heard a dying man say he wish he’d spent more time at the office. Think about those who will be crying at your death bed and answer three legacy questions that Rex uses to challenge men:
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